Life continues much the same as it ever has. Bad weather and cold has hurt our attendance at the museum, but things have been picking up in the last week or so as we gear up for Kid's Week, which starts this Saturday. It's supposed to be our busiest week of the year after Fleet Week, and so I've been given an extra day of work. Ordinarily that'd be good (more money) but I suspect I'm being punished for something as I've been scheduled for six days of work in a row. Basically nobody else has, and several people are even getting more days off in a row than normal. One of my friends (who was given five days in a row off has offered to switch her fifth day for one of my off days, so I'm hoping the boss will allow it because otherwise this week is going to kind of suck ass.
My collection of toys keeps growing. I got a large order from Onell in early January and another four figures (including two special ones) this week from Callgrim. Onell is releasing another wave tomorrow night, and I'll be placing a big order from them again. I can't help it- I love their stuff, and the last couple waves have been heavy on translucent figures which I love. I've been picking up G.I. Joes here and there as well, including the new Destro (with gatling gun and briefcase full of tiny money) and a couple Alley Vipers, which I thought I was never going to find. None of the new Transformers have shown up in the city yet, with the exception of the Battle in Space 2-pack, which I found at K-mart last weekend. I've also been getting into this toy line called
World War Robot. The figures really appeal to me- the designs are simple but the paintwork is exquisite. They come in two sizes, regular and Portable, and while the normal ones are insanely expensive the Portables are a lot more reasonably priced and have the added bonus of being smaller, since I am rapidly running out of space for storage and display.
PAX East is a wash. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to go, so I'm relinquishing my hotel reservation, though I'm out $60 for the badge. Some new information has lead me to believe I may be receiving a sizable tax refund, though, so if that is in fact the case I am going to take some of that money and take the trip to Montreal I've been considering for a few months now. I'm also beginning to gear up for Otakon- I want to avoid the situation I found myself in last year (although things ultimately did work out) and a repeat of the PAX situation, so I'm going to start pestering people about it very soon.
It's coming up on a year I've been working at the Museum, which both amazes and frightens me. I am really seriously looking for new employment, though. I don't really want to spend another summer there.