Tallman, Eric Anthony Grade Twelfth Grade ID ( )
90105 Drawing 1 09 (1) Andrusiac, Whisper F107
90332 Creat Writ (4) Laplante, Kevin B112
90779 AP EnvSci AA 10 (1) Cousino, Kevin Team 5 C106
90580 IntgMath 3A 10 (3) Lambert, Joanne C209
90846 AP Psych AA (1) Casey, Michelle C112
90841 US Govt 10 (3) Metti, Jemil A103
Tallman, Eric Anthony Grade Twelfth Grade ID ( )
90121 Photography 10 (3) White, Lori F113
90334 IntermWrit A 10 (2) Lannen, Joseph E122
90780 AP EnvSci BB 10 (1) Cousino, Kevin Team 5 C106
90581 IntgMath 3B 10 (3) Lambert, Joanne C209
90847 AP Psych BB (1) Casey, Michelle C112
90711 PersFitness 2 09 (1) Guntzviller, Casey Team 5 GYM2
On an unrelated note, I was on the roof of
Detroit Central Train Station about two hours ago. It was incredible, I'll have to take you there some time. Still busy trying to put bandaids on what is probably be the biggest wound I've ever opened.