Oma went home Thursday morning. Jayme and I have spent the past two days adjusting to the new schedule without all her wonderful help. We've also made it a plan to go out every day, even for just an errand or two. The perspective provided by getting out of the house is worth the energy it takes. Or as I might have said in University, "room change!"
An excerpt from Jayme's monologue to Pascale this morning:
Jayme: Hello!
Jayme: How are you today?
Jayme: You're having a nice yawn-and-stretch!
Jayme: Have you fed enough?
Jayme: Your mouth is covered in milk!
Pascale: Kuh-gack!
Jayme: Oh, and there's the first spit-up of the day!
new photos are up, showing her
pretty blue eyes and flaking first layer of skin.
Also, Pascale likes
Lemon Jelly.