Nov 25, 2009 22:53
Dear journal, today I shoved two nerds in their lockers and listened to them scream. It was funny. I laughed all the way to lunch. I also scared my history teacher into upping the grade on my last essay and sold the answers to the next three statistics tests to some fatass freshman. Then I punched him so he wouldn't tell his teacher after he aces that shit. I need more clients.
We've got a bball game tomorrow and I'm totally gonna kick ass, like always.
Oh yeah, and if my guidance counselor asks me about what I want to do in college one more time, I'm going to punch him in his sweaty face. I don't even want to go to college. I'm gonna join a fucking garage band and get hot ass for the rest of my life! Suck on that, journal.
(or eloquence!!),
plot: high school au,
(he hasn't yet learned wit)