Aug 17, 2004 06:14
The longer you go without sleep, the harder it is to actually get it. This has been proven many times. I went without sleep and lifited a lot all day, took a three hour nap, got online until like 1, and then crashed for only four hours. How do you go over twenty-four hours and wake up after seven without wanting to go back to sleep. I'm going to make a dent in The Stand after I post what I did but I don't feel like writing anything new from what I put in GJ, sorry.
I went to St. Mary's today. It was the first time I have ever felt really old because my mom's 7th grade class is the first grade class I used to take to the playground and then back to the classroom every day in the seventh grade. I still know all of their names and they are so grown up now. The art teacher I am helping has braces and had a nose stud until it got ripped out, but she is a fundamentalist conservative and loves Bush, so our similar tastes don't go far. Usually, I hate little children but I think as the margin between their age and mine grows I appreciate how cute they really are. I was sitting in the office being fingerprinted and a boy came in after getting stung by a bee and he told us all how lucky we were for such a nice air conditioner, and he grinned. There was also a girl with pretty red hair. Mrs. Ripley's class was learning about storms and my mom was explaining how hurricanes are formed and they were so amazed and full of questions. I was dying, and not just from skipping a night's rest. Six to eight weeks on that, and I can actually work with them. Mrs. Strain called me Ms. Milbourne to her class today and I ate lunch in the teacher's lounge with my former teachers and we talked about drinking and cheating men and Lorena Bobbit. I love that place.
Oh wait:
When was the last time you stole something?
I usually just take things from hotels. I mean, I’ve taken a pillow. They put it on your bill - it’s, like, a hundred bucks.
Okay guys, who asked Avril Lavigne that question? She says the most annoying things.