(no subject)

Apr 13, 2004 16:53

Name: Leah
Nicknames: LeLa
Sex: female
DOB: 3/22/90
Color: cock-and-asian...actually both...
Star Sign: aries

Birth Place:: mom

Current Residence:: Humble

Hair Color: "darkest brown"

Eye Color: blacky-browny

Height: how should i know?...shortishtallish...

Writing Hand: Righty

:..:BODY ILLS and SKILLS:..:

Do you bite your nails: no..i peel off the naily polish...

Can you roll your tongue: mmmhhhmmm
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yup
Can you blow smoke rings: no ...

Can you blow spit bubbles: yes...they are pretty...

Can you cross your eyes: yeyea

Tie a cherry stem in a knot with yout tongue: i wish

Unwrap starbursts with your tongue: heh...

Colored hair: yes...but its dyed back my normal color....darky dark dark...

Tattoos and where: everywhere baby!....NO

Piercings and where: my ears

Which shoe goes on first: right or left..or right?...maybe left....yea

Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: had them thrown at me more like it....darn you patricia...
How much money is usually in your wallet: i poe dawg....no monay.....

Whats sexiest on a boy: dark long or shortish....not too short  hair...or a (so verrry sexy), nice smile, green eyes..pretty eyes...sigh..

would you rather be on time and look ok or late and look great:snazzy is good...
Do you twirl your spagetti or cut it: forks and spoons dont exists

How many cereals are in your cabinet: no idea

What utensils do you use eating pizza: the prtable kind.....falangees....

Do you cook: ha..yes


How often do you brush your teeth: 2 times a day

Do you shower/bathe: no....HA...lmao...1 or 2 times a day...

How long do these showers last: half an hour at most

Hair drying method: drying?....i dry it?..

Do you paint your nails: only when they look shabby....black is good....

Do you swear: mmhhhmmm

Do you mumble to yourself: more like talk to myself....

Do you spit in public: ha! i have lougie contests with Patricia..

do you pee in the shower: eeeewwwwwwwwww
In the cd player: system of a down

Person you talk most on the phone:Kellie..

What color is your bedroom: i dont have one of those....

Do you use an alarm clock: a farting one...Patricias butt....

Name four things or people you're obsessed with: ha. a boy, and my music.....Kurt Cobain.....

Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex:ha....mayba....
Ever sunbathed in the nude: thats rather disturbing

window seat or aisle: aisle or window! dont really care...like em both..

Whats your sleeping position: on my stomach with my hands under my head

What kind of bed do you like:  soft comfy ones

In hot weather do you use a blanket: light one..
Do you sleepwalk: hehe yes of course....

Do you talk in your sleep:  my favortie pass time

How about the light onnah..it dont matta...

Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio:sometimes...


had sex: never

Were kissed or kissed someone: this morning

Watched bambi: long long time ago...poor bambi's mom....

Cried:  lots...dont remember when...
Talked on the phone: last night

Read a book: last night

Punched someone: gotten punched...Patricia...bullay...WAIT....Kellie hits too.

Where do you see yourself ten years from now: somewhere.....i dont know where....drifting...
Who are you gonna be married to and where: Kurt Cobains ghost...or someone.....

How many kids do you want to have: none or one..

Your profession: a criminal or journalist..or unemplyed volunteer or marine biologist or photojournalist or...hmmm....this cpould go on.....english teacher...Theatre teacher....etc.

Future school: dunno..


Is music important to you: YES! CANT LIVE WITHOUT IT!
Do you sing: i sing very much in the shower or to Patricia..
What instruments do you play: Geetar..i suck..lmao..many other instrumenns....voice

What do you think of Eminem: that guy could really use a family phsycologist...


pop music: not atol

rock music: YUP
punk music: eh...NoFX is good...

rap music: HA....haha..its weird!
hip-hop/RB: maybe NOT

country: yea...NO! LETS GO CRY ABOUT OUR DEAD DOG! ..hehe..

new age:
hardcore: o  baby yes

indie rock: yea sure

emo: ehhhhh

metal: POO yes..

ska: eh..not so much.

alternative: mmmhmm


What do you notice first?: how often they smile, the happiness in theyre eyes

Do you have a crush on anyone?: mayba

Easiest to talk to: felix is a great friend to talk to!


You talked to on the phone: Kellie.
Hugged: eric

You instant messaged: Felix

You laughed with:Patricia,Kellie,Sarah,Mark- DO YOU/ARE YOU-

Could you live without the computer?: definatly

food?: cheese?
Whats your favorite fruit?: strawberries....mangos..

What hurts the most? Physical or emotional pain?: emotional...o so definatly

Trust others way too easily?: trust noone.


Of times you have had your heart broken?: once..maybe twice..dont like it, not at all
Of hearts you have broken?: maybe 1, i am sorry, you know who  i am talking too...i am sorry..

Of boys kissed?: nunya..
Of girls kissed?: yea, cuz i fly like that.....NO!
of drugs taken illegally?: Purse?.....

Of CD's owned?: i could count them...but it mite take a while

Of scars on my body?: many many many...i live with Patricia...and am friends with Kellie..i dont want to count bruises, it takes too long..
Of things in my past that I regret?: many many..


I know: you!

I want: my life back....my happiness..true happiness.

I have: a name
I wish: for love

I hate: fighting

I miss: My dad...but i didnt say that...shhh

I fear: rejection

I hear: rAAr

I love: your mom..

I ache: for ....everything..

I care: for nothing and everything at once

I always: sleep, talk, be me..

Bootie dance ne one..lmao....<-Kellie...and me..silly

I cry: when im alone and sad

I do not always think: at all...

I write:Words

I confuse: myself

I can usually be found: places....

Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing: ha...yes sir

Favorite place to be kissed?: .....n-e-c-k.....lmao....

Last time you recieved your favorite kiss: ha awhile ago...

-ARE YOU A...-

Wuss: yes.HA.yes

Druggie: .....stop the personal-ing-a-tizing

Gang member: Mafia...

Daydreamer: yea thats me

Alcoholic: AA member...HA

Freak: Too describe me in one word..
Brat: to your dadday

Sarcastic: when i feel like it.

Goody-goody: COOKIES!!

Angel: no

Devil: no

Friend: to any...
Shy: i can be


Adventurous: i love adventures!

Intelligent: in life...NOT....

Known the longest:Patricia...cousins count??....shes a cool kid
Wish you saw more often: Friends from C-A-N-A-D-A

Laugh the most with: everyone

Wish you knew better: eveyone and no one

Knows you best: myself

Best to hang out with when stressed: Sarah


Your best feature [personality]:fun

Your biggest flaw [personality]:confusing-ness

Most annoying thing you do: mymy little shoulder thingy..ask pappy..
Biggest mistake you've made this far: lived...

Describe your personality in one word: anti pineapple, DEFINATLY anti-pineapple...

The physical feature for which you are most often complimented: my ME!
A smell that makes you smile: anything but Patricia vegi-farts

A city you'd like to visit:
quebec, antwhere in maine, rhode island..i love those places...they are fun...

drink  you order most often: Dr. Pepper or ice tea

A book you highly recommend: A Tree grows in Brooklyn, or To kill a Mockingbird..

music you prefer while alone: metal hard rock...nirana

favorite band: murderdolls, , stonesour, NIRVANA ,TOOL, SYSTEM OF A DOWN ,KORN!

favorite movie: BILLY MADISON

favorite smel of colgne: anything that smells good .....mansmell...lmao

in your closet: dont have one

On you night stand: Stuff

well now you know more about me.........talk to you all lataz!!!

<3 Leah

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