Dec 06, 2007 18:58
It must be seal hunt time again, because I just got a weepy video on my Facebook Funwall (now deleted) about how we should all save the seals and ban this "barbaric" practice. This sort of message is always accompanied by a picture of a baby seal that OHMYGOD SO CUUUUUTE!!! I would like to see this sort of campaign raised to save an ugly species, some sort of lobster or insect. I'd also like to see the same message about the inuit who depend on the seal for food and clothing. 4 children with big beady eyes and the message "How could we let these children starve to death and freeze in the Arctic north? Please save the children!" These people know not to kill off the seal, because they need the seal. The "environmentalists" who devote themselves to the seal.... Please bring me some evidence that it needs to stop. Please show me that the seals are endangered and that the people can survive without them. Until then, I'm going to continue to dislike you and pray that our politcians are smart enough to not listen.
(I feel I should point out here that the environmental cause I donate to is Greenpeace. I wonder about that decision a little bit more with every unreasonable demand they make. But apparently they just had a big success in Indonesia. I just feel like it's "us against them". Gotta support the us.)