[music|Tired of Waiting by The Kinks ]
Me mum and John are going to see X-Men tomorrow arvo, so excited! I made them watch the second one tonight so were all set.
I did bugger all today. mum and john went to have a look at pool tables this afternoon so I was here all by myself which was nice. I watched The Actors, cos I havent seen it in a while and I needed a Dylan booster shot. He's so lovely in it *swoon*. I wish though that the censorship people hadn't cut out the most funny part in the whole movie! just because they used the naughty 'C' word.
I bought Anansi Boys by Neil Gaimen on thursday cos of the whole 20% off thing, I've only read one chapter but its really very good. I just love the way he writes. I contemplated buying Stardust as well, but I really want the Illustrated version, which are really hard to come by and super expensive. The library in Woodvale has a copy and I so want to steal it, I think I might go down there during the week and borrow it again. That book was the one that inspired me to try my hand at drawing, and I learnt that I wasnt half bad at it. Hey! thats what I should do! Start drawing again.
I need to find a hobby or something because I'm turning into a serious home body. I really really want to learn Kendo, but the only place to do it in perth is in Canning Vale and Vic Park which are too far away. And I reckon it would be pretty expensive