A bunch of ideas thrown together to make a really really big one.

Apr 26, 2005 21:42

Picture this.

I'm going to make a game.

Not just any old game which is a replica of some other half arsed idea that's been done a thousand times.

I want to suck people in.

I want to twist their mind, make them tremble as time slips away from them. Make them think - tell them a story, hell, even create a community.

It takes time, imgaination, and thought. I reckon I could do that if i tried hard enough. It also takes planning, which supprisingly enough, I can do to a certian extent. For a program module anyway.

I've been playing around with a few ideas in my head. For some reason, when something comes up that I really want to do, it forms in my head perfectly and everything is all rosey.

It does't work with stuf I actully need to do.

Now. here's the thing. I like a damn good story. I like writing storys too. Ergo, this will have a damn good story. I think it will anyway. If you don't like it then DON'T PLAY IT CUNT.

Anyone ever read Underground by Suelette Dreyfus? It's a collection of stories about certian hackers and crackers in the 80's and early 90's, mostly Australian's all based on interviews with the people themselves where possible and backed up with factual evidence which can be found on the website. You can even download the book for free. It's amazing how a novel can be made out of all of that that does things to you.

Australian hackers made the WANK worm which attacked NASA. It bore the message "You talk about peace for all and then prepare for war".

NASA couldn't figure out it was Midnight Oil lyrics. It was one of the first political digital attacks seen of this type.

This game, hopefully, will give you the rush. Turn the lights off, put some headphones in, and uncover something that was never meant to be found. That's what my game is going to be.

It's going to have this, maybe more, maybe less, but here we go anyway.

-It's going to be set in the near near future, giving me time to muck about with political issues to go with the story, but not too much to make it unbelivable. It would be bascially an imaginary operating system of the near future where tools and programs each have different attributes to them. Breaking systems, and creating systems, and solving problems, and finding out information would be it. But it would be more fun then what it sounds. Trust me. Uncovering the government's lies and finding the turth of it all would be the directive. It's allllll in my head...

-Voice acting in anypart where people are talking, especially narative. I want a narrative and I want phone calls to be voiced. I want all conversations to be voiced. Cutscenes, if any, would be... yep, voiced.

-Problem solving. Not boring problem solving. Not repetitve problem solving. It'll be different. You'll learn about how to handle situations and then learn from it. You will be under pressure. And it will be fun.

-Story drivin pace. Put the pressure on as time ticks down and the mean ugly admin is on your tail. Make the player scream "HURRY UP AND UPLOAD YOU CUNT"

- Community involvment. Games today, FIGHTING ORCS AND WIZARDS!


You know what you could do? I dunno, this is just an idea. Say 6 people want to play this game against each other. Have a module in the game where you create a system with certian attributes. 3 to a team would mean 2 systems, each different. Of course, any system that is probed at enough will have a weakness. The teams of 3 would work together using whatever tools they thing is nessessary to break the other team. Heck, I should implement it as a requirement ofthe storyline. And I want to make it so that people can make their own games and stuff out of it, and let them share with others.

- I don't want to tarnish the culture that's become of people who do the real thing, because it's extremly skillfull, and has an elitist culture which wouldn't be part of it. Dumb people wouldn't cut it, but you wouldn't have to be too smart to play the damn thing. And I would keep n00bs away with my ray gun.

- Music to suit the mood. Drive the pace into the dust and make you feel the sting of time running out.

And that's it so far. It's big, really really big. I'm going to start flowcharts when I can and email them to John to see what he can muster out of it, and make it less complicated.

First you plan, then you program.
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