Mar 31, 2004 21:46
havent written in a while. i think its because i forget everything i do during the days and dont feel it worthwhile to dredge it all up again. but, here i completely contradict myself.
this morning mrs boyd yelled at me for not selling any flowers. but thats a stupid fundraiser. not a stupid cause, mind you. but flower seeds for 8 bucks? a rip. on that note, if anyone wants to buy some by 1st period tomorrow, let me know.
i have this new thing where instead of accumulating homework from 1st period on, i start out already having homework to do that i didnt even sttempt to do the night before. which kinda sucks. but it used to be the opposite. i'd get an assignment in 1st period, and then during my study hall that day, id work on it so i wouldnt have homework. now, i dont do it in my studys, nor do i do it at home. i do it furing the classes before its due. kinda rushy. for example, this very instant, im not doing my 30 calc questions that are due fourth period tomorrow. but i blame that on mr okeefe
today in clac mr okeefe talked to us for the WHOLE period about many many things. horse manure, camel dung, his being a teacher, pi being exactly three, the greco roman alphabet/numerical system, the hindu arabic numerical system (the one that we use), cars of the future, cookies, trig, russia, russian words, and smoking funny stuff. so, i didnt do any of my work done and i blame him for being a distraction and my ADD. which i think im developing. [walking down the hall. "blah blah so then i said no, i disagree because...HEY, A COOKIE...]
i was slightly productive today, but only because the deadline is tomorrow, first period. i outlined macbeth (via sparknotes) so we can study for ap's in english. very easy. its actually a really short story when you look for action and not analysis.
oooohhhhh. today i yelled the word pussy about two feet from senor ballsac. not good times. i was telling saad to go run outisde in the rain, unless he's afraid his pussy will melt. insert senor, "his cat's gunna melt? what was that?" jdubbs-"that's my president" well. it happens.
ya today running in the rain. had on my socks and shoes, mesh shorts, boxers, unerarmor longsleeve and a white tshirt. ran my scrawny ass off and did very well. pat on back. proud. my white shirt went to brown. my shoes were soaked, but my socks were dry. my underarmour was damp but didnt bleed through and my toso was fine. worse was the legs/shorts. my shorts were drenched through on the front from the rain, and on the back from all the water i kicked up while running. all the way through to my boxers. which also were soaked through. not a comfortable ride home. but i went home and took a long hot shower which was nice.
after that i went to kay's house for dinner. pizza and salad. randy didnt eat the salad cause hes afraid of green fruits and vegetables. we watched the end of blues brothers and did all the dishes.
just remembered another reason i dont write in here muchly. no time.
ps. if you wanna be an asshole about "peace", read my last entry. or second to last. maybe. its back there somewhere.