Psychopathies & Other Disorders/ The Psychopath Test: Jon Ronson

Apr 06, 2013 11:11

IAN SPURLING- Costume Designer Freddie Mercury, Schizophrenia

MARY BARNES- Chronic Schizophrenia, 'shit room',  artist 60-70s

20pt Hare PCL-R Checklist

ITEM 1: Glibness/ Superficial Charm
ITEM 2: Grandiose sense of self-worth
ITEM 3: Need for stimulation/ proneness to boredom
ITEM 4: Pathological Lying - An individual for whom lying is a characteristic part of their interactions with others.
ITEM 5: Cunning/Manipulative
ITEM 6: Lack of remorse or guilt
ITEM 7: Shallow affect - Individual who seems unable to experience a normal range and depth of emotions
ITEM 8 : Callous/ Lack of empathy
ITEM 9: Parasitic Lifestyle
ITEM 10: Poor Behavioural Controls
ITEM 11: Promiscuous sexual behaviour
ITEM 12: Early behavioural problems - persistent bullying, vandalism, substance abuse, arson
ITEM 13: Lack of realistic long-term goals
ITEM 14: Impulsivity
ITEM 15: Irresponsibility
ITEM 16: Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
ITEM 17: Many short-term marital relationships
ITEM 18: Juvenile delinquency
ITEM 19: Revocation of conditional release
ITEM 20: Criminal versatility

David Cooke, psychologist, Glasgow Centre for Study of Violence

... unexpectedaly flashing onton the screen a large-scale, close-up ohotograph od a man who's been shot in the face at very close range...In this picture, gore and gristle bubbled everywhere. The man'e eyes had bulged all the way out of their sockets.His nose was body responded to the shock by feeling prickly and jangly and weak and debilitated...a result fo our amygdalae and central nervous systems shooting signals of distress up and down each other. Its the feeling we get when we're suddenly startled- like a figure jumps out at us in the dark- or when we realise wwe've done something terrible, the feeling of fear and gult and remorse, the psychical manifestation of our conscience.

Dissociation between linguistic meaning of words and emotional connotions. 'Knowing the words but not the music'

TV is just troubled people being booed these days. Every peak-time programme is populated by people who are just the right sort of mad

David Rosenhan classic misdiagnosis experiment (1973) 'Empty' 'Hollow' 'Thud'/ On Being Sane in Insane Places


? Film: Malice [Psychopaths Among Us, Hercz ,R. 2001], Badlands-





A.A.GILL ???


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