(no subject)

Oct 09, 2007 16:03

to many people talk shit.
we have to stand up for ourselvess. right right.


So you have friends right? People who you call your bestfriends and the ones you trust the most? So do i, and so do my friends. Calling us the Dirt Squad isnt even remotely close to what you should be calling us. you look at us like we're the most disgusting creatures to walk on this planet, a gang, a cult, a mess. You Make up rumors maybe talk some shit. But is it all really true? have you heard it from us? from me? from the other girls? You think you know what we do everyday, every weekend, every moment of our lives? But no, you don't know what we really do or who we really are. We are normal 16 year old girls who hangout, talk, gossip and have fun. Yes we smoke cigarettes, so what? We do it by choice, not to look cool, or to look older. And yes we do know how nasty it is. We're enjoying our years of adulesence. The years we should feel the most free. What every teenager should be doing, enjoying the years we still have to horse around and skrew off. Before we are addressed as "adults" or "Mr. and Ms./Mrs" I truly believe that maybe if you hungout with us for a day or even got to know us better you would probrably change your mind. Unless your an Uptight, Stick up your ass type of person. So if this didnt give you a new perspective on us then keep your narrow minded superficial comments/thoughts to your self, cause we don't want to hear it.


people need to know that they dont know as much about us as they think they do. and for anyone to judge as as quickly as these kids, all i have to say is you are all extremely ignorant, and i cant wait for all of you to break away from your security blanket at bothell high, and step into the real world where, shockingly, not everyone thinks like you, people are different and engage in different things than you, and people have different opinions than you. and people actually have brains. so really, talk all the shit you like, because in reality, when we are out of high school, we will still have eachother and a much better understanding of the world around us. and what will you have? a few yearbooks holding pictures of your glory days. so really, sorry to all of you, that mean nothing to any of us. your opinions, harsh words, judgements, and cruel rumors dont have the effect on us that you had all hoped for.


we spend day after day talking to these people, who put on an act to seem as though they like us. we waisted a hole summer with people who will not say a single word to us anymore. but i think i like it that way, because now living across the country i see. that no matter who you are when your in highschool it means nothing. They call us the dirt squad, tell teachers were smokeing pot at lunch, and that were not good people to hangout with. label us as slutty alcoholics. when really NONE of this applys to our lives, we have more fun then most everyone combined. sitting on our assess can be made fun. yeah we drink, yeah we smoke but were not dipshits who do it like everyone else just because thats what your suppose to do. we do it because we want to enjoy the time we have together. i know we say now that we will be the 5 star for life,(which we will) but chances are some of us will move on in life and we wont spend all our time together anymore. So we are going to have fun while we can, and all of the people that want to say this shit about us. they can just shut the hell up. you all will mean nothing to any one some day once you leave bothell and are put into the harsh world. i wish you good luck, youll need it because your cheer uniform and stupid reputation will mean nothing to any one real soon. :)
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