Mar 02, 2006 10:43
I went out on the porch and let Sam in to eat. Gave him some food and talked with him a bit. I went back to the dining room and started working on the computer. 10 or 15 minutes went by and I heard Sam meow, this was a funny kind of meow - not the usual complaining voice. I said "what's wrong Sam, and started for the living room only to come face to face with a frustrated cat. Sam couldn't get out the front porch door because it had stuck. So, he decided to come find me to complain, got inside the living room and was suddenly confused as to if he would be in trouble or not for coming inside.
I can see it now, tonight when I am late getting home, Sam will have come on in and be waiting on the couch - I swear that cat becomes more like Steve every day!!
Hey, wonder if I could teach him to come in and fix me breakfast - oh yeah, I forgot - no thumb.