Yes, it's another vid -- Quantum Leap

Jul 20, 2006 00:41

They're so going to fire me.

Song: American Music by The Violent Femmes
Fandom: Quantum Leap
Summary: "On the wheel of life, we all go around. We are many people at many times." -- Jack Kerouac. Sort of.
Length: 3:47

Download from Sendspace: At this link

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I generally try to make vids that are accessible to people who aren't familiar with the relevant fandoms; in this case, however, I am not sure how well I succeeded, simply because I discovered during the vidding process that a lot of the QL mythology is verbal rather than visual.

There may be some stylistic similaries to my earlier Highlander vid, All These Things That I've Done. In retrospect, that isn't surprising, really, because the two series are similar in that the charm of each lies in the notion of living multiple lives throughout history. Hell, just compare their opening credits (uhh ... with the sound off. Queen has little in common with -- what would you call it? Happy synth?)

As always, feedback would be greatly appreciated.

my vids, vidding, my ql vids, ql

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