I got my S4 DVDs and needed to put them to immediate use. So, I've made another Starsky & Hutch vid.
Song: Wounded, by Third Eye Blind
Fandom: Starsky & Hutch
Slash?: Yes, but probably gen-tolerable.
Summary: I like to think of it as a celebration of police brutality.
Length: 4:37
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In Wounded, I was trying to tell a story about the effects of the passage of time. I've noticed that this is popular theme for S&H vids (Molo's
Good Times and Mirien's
The Days Worth Living come to mind). I think the idea of "nostalgia for the good old days" is a natural subject for S&H because of the obviously dated quality of the show when it is watched today.
S&H fans are well aware that by the fourth season, David Soul's (Hutch's) physical injuries, as well as both actors' exhaustion, bled into the series, creating the impression of discord between the partners and a mounting sense of futility. The song seemed a good choice because it, too, is about someone who has changed over time, with the singer pleading for the subject of the song to recapture the joy of the days gone by. I also liked the song because the refrain of "missing you" can be taken not only as Starsky's plea to Hutch, but also the plea of the fans to the show in general and to Hutch in particular. I've been nervous about the song choice, however, because, as I posted earlier, the specifics of the situation described in the song are completely inappropriate for S&H -- starting with the fact that the singer is speaking to a woman. I'm hoping that the emotion of the song, and the indecipherability of some of the lyrics, will be enough to keep the incongruities from disrupting the vid. Needless to say, however, on this one
I will not be posting the words.
I've posted previously about how my vids tend to be inspired by fanfic - not in the sense of trying to retell fanfic stories, but more in the sense that the fanfic gives me insight into the characters, and those insights tend to animate my vids. Wounded was inspired by countless fics, but if there's any particular one that stood out in my mind, it would be
lamardeuse's wonderful
Beneath the Skin.
Also, for those who are interested, in addition to Wounded, I've remastered my earlier S&H vids to substitute in new S4 footage.