I haven't posted here in awhile, about anything real life related. This was because of my depression, because I was sick of the sound of my own miserable voice, because that is not who I am.
I love life. I love my life. I even, on days when no one is looking too hard, love myself. My body too.
I appreciate the tiny miracles in the world like flowers and rain on windows and the sound of my son laughing.
I love the people in my life, it's because of them when I face down the oblivion that is the chemical, stress and emotional induced shit storm that is depression I can look up and know that I was not Okay. I had no concept about how Not Okay I was until I felt myself pulling away. It's because of them (YOU) that I was able to finally ask for help and start making it Better.
That's all I need to say about that. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask, but in the mean time know that I am starting to be Me again and Me is pretty Okay to be.
So while I usually post my silly Christmas poems this time of year (They're in my archives if you wish to read them,
klee) I instead want to take a moment and say thank you.
Thank you for loving me and being my friend when I was hard to be around. For talking me through the ugly. For helping me escape into stories. For taking me out and making me laugh and reminding me why life is, ultimately, awesome.
Thank you for being my friend. For being my family.
Know how awesome I think YOU are too. You rock. Your handsome and lovely and charming and funny and I too, love you even when days are hard/boring/hard mode/insane/totally and utterly fired forever. And I apologize for those days when I could not be what you may have needed exactly because I was so buried and muted by by own demons. Know I will always try my best to be just as awesome back to you,and hopefully now my best will be even better.
So I hope your new year is filled with a lot of joy and laughter (and I mean the head thrown back, tears in your eyes guffawing that leave you dizzy and light) and little burden and heart ache, and I hope when there are dark days that you impress the ever living crap out for yourself because you handled it, grace or not, and made it out better or even just maintaining at the other side (because we all know there are days where we deserve little trophies for not going to jail)
Most of all, I hope this year is filled with as much love and good company as you have blessed mine with.
Thank you, and happy holidays <3 <3 <3