
Jun 30, 2008 18:00

I had a friend comment about me not updating my Livejournal enough. This was a few months back. Of course, I still don't post any new content to my LJ. I was sitting around today when the thought struck me on why I possibly don't write here very often. I think it is the style of communication that blogs and email and even the telephone provide to people. Sure, it relays information to people, but I find something lacking in this communication.

I prefer to speak to people face to face where I receive another aspect of human communication through facial expressions and body language. There is a level of communication that is lost without those aspects. I like to know if a person is genuinely interested or sincere or bullshitting me. On the phone, one can infer the emotion behind the other person's words, but there is still part of the communication lost. I know I've made up stuff on the phone to feign interest in what the other person was saying. I know many people who became upset/angry by an email, blog, or comment because the entire message is not properly conveyed in mere words.

I read my email and LJ friends at least once a day to keep up with people. I rarely comment on their writings as I don't feel it to be an open conversation to add my opinion. I respond to personal email that the person expects a response. I just don't jump at every opportunity to make a comment. For some people, my lack of comments seems as if I don't read their writings or I just don't care about them. Here we have a lack of words implying some message. I listen/read what others say/write, but to me it seems impersonal (even when you use emoticons) ;p

I'll update when something interesting happens or some deep thoughts need bouncing around. As of right now, I'll return to my cave in anticipation of the season finale of "Doctor Who" on Saturday. And in two weeks, Polaris.
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