SEDICI {sixteen}

May 18, 2009 18:10

Che cosa è questo?

Exams are coming up?

New lesson. Take down good notes.

Ah--and Mr. von Bielefeld it has come to my attention that you have recently been stabbed. If you feel in anyway unable to duel, now would be the best time to tell me. Wouldn't want to pair you up with someone and have you die out on them you suddenly become useless to them due to your injury.

Before your time bambini's, solo-dueling was rather practical and common. And seconds (a usually trusted ally who would replace a fallen duelist when necessary) always stood behind ready and willing.

However, a few centuries ago, not that I counted duo and trio-dueling became quite a hit. Though mostly for.. "wizarding gangs" (yes children, there was, and still is such a thing called "gangs." Muggles aren't the only ones to have them) As long as it's a fair fight.

Meaning if you hear that two people are going to show up to a scheduled duel, then you bring someone else suitable. I imagine you and the other group would bring one person for the groups second. The number for tournament duels is four. Of course, as always it depends on what country you are in.

In unregistered duels (most people log or track in their duels now) the numbers can be unlimited. Just as long as it's a fair fight with enough people to fight against one another. Duelists who duel like this normally don't bring a second.

Now that you understand the rules of dueling, it's project time.

I want a maximum group of four. Three people will act as a team and the forth will act as the team's second. And of course since you will be a team, I want you to get to know your group members. For one week you will sit together in this class. I want to make sure that you can trust your group members.

For a week after that you will be assigned a day and time to duel against another team in this class.

Team's Name:
Team Leader: Name ; house
Member #2: Name ; house
Member #3: Name ; house
Team's Second: Name ; house

[[ooc: Translator ftw - Che cosa è questo? - What's this?

There are currently 41 people signed up for Duel Etiquette (unless people have dropped without my knowledge.) So if I've done my math correctly there should be 9 groups of 4 people. And one soul group with 5 people. If Wolfram-mun thinks that Wolfram can do this project then his group will be the 5 people group. If not then there will be 10 groups of 4 :Db

As for the signing up part: Team leader will copy and paste the information in the text area. He or she may state in the comment that the others have agreed to this. Or you can do it the old fashion way and have the team members comment after the Team Leader comments, saying that they agree to the arrangements. :) And please do come up with a team name. It's how Reborn will announce who's dueling against who. If you fail to come up with a team name then Reborn will make one up for you.]]

warning: next lesson, duel etiquette: hands on, lesson: notes, duel etiquette: group project, duel etiquette

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