OTTO {eight}

Mar 26, 2009 10:51

Well, that was frustrating.

Who hides chocolate bars on ceiling beams? Oh well. Leon and Mucca will devour it for lunch.

Assignment time bambini.

These are a couple of stances that might come in handy. Amuse yourself and see which stance best fits you.

Traditional Stance: Is the most used throughout Britain. In the traditional stance your feet are placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. One arm, your "balance" arm, is held aloft and behind, providing weigh compensation for whatever movements your wand arm is to make. Your wand arm is extended before you, pointed at your opponent so that you are always ready to cast a spell. Some experts say that it is recommended for the newbies to use this stance. That, is crap.

Cobra Stance: Similar to the Traditional in many ways. The wand arm is held back and high (above the head) while the balance arm is held extended before the dueler. This stance affords somewhat greater power behind the spells and takes a greater amount of control over directing the spells. This stance is "better for the intermediate duelers." Again, crap.

Gilded Stance: was originated in France. Note the girliness of this pose. Noted? Good. If you use this pose I will call you a fruitcake. The stance itself consists of the wand arm being held in front towards the opponent, but not pointed at him. Instead the arm is bent at the elbow and the wand is held pointing up in the air. The balance arm is held behind with the arm planted on the hip, never to move. (It is considered bad dueling to allow your hand to fall from your hip if you are using this stance.) The feet are close together with the knees bent, one foot pointed towards your opponent and one facing the same direction as the body. Those who are intermediate to semi advanced duelers may use this stance; again more bullshit.

Tao Stance: Originated in Asia. This is the stance I use somewhat. Except I combined a more of an Italian class to it. In the Tao stance the legs are much straighter than in the other stances, with the knees only barely bent or not at all (as much as is comfortable for each individual dueler). Also, in this stance, bother feet are pointing towards the opponent. This is believed to maximize the powers of the spells cast. In both instances, the ideal Tao dueler will have a relaxed wand arm whenever he is not casting a spell. The balance arm is always held ahead with the palm facing the opponent. This is believed to ward off hexes; this however isn't seen much any more in dueling. Which is why I use my altered version of this stance. Those who are on a more advanced level of dueling use this stance. This one is actually true.

Now that you know the stances. Study the first ten Level one offensive spells. Study them. Become one with them. Sleep with them. I could care less.

spell name || spell incantation || what the spell does

uno: Babbling Curse || Volubilis || Causes the person to talk incessantly
due: Slug Eating Curse || Zigitos || Causes one to spit up slugs
tre: All Body Bind || Petrificus totalus || Causes one's body to become rigid and immobile
quattro: Blue-Bell Flames || Indigaflammo || Sets a persons robe's on fire
cinque: Rabbit-Tooth Hex || Densaugeo || Causes ones teeth to grow to enormous sizes
sei: Fur Spell || Pilosis || Causes a person to be covered in fur
sette: Horn tongue Hex || Cornulinga || Causes a person to grow on the end of one's tongue
otto: Insect Jinx || Insecta || Makes a person sprout antennae, makes them unable to walk or talk and they must crawl around on the ground
nove: Instant Scalping || Calvaeus || Causes a person to go bald
dieci: Levitation Spell || Wingardium Leviosa || Causes a person to rise a little into the air (then drop back down)

There are nine more, that will be taught on a later date. You will be quizzed this Monday on it.

[[ooc: bambini is kiddies in Italian~ oh! And there will be a log put up sometime Sunday night for this~~

I think that's what I'll do. When essays are ever assigned, they will be OOC'd in that journal, and charm work/other stuff like this will be log'd~~

B| Since the Gilded stance is being an ass-wipe hopefully this works out.]]

lesson: duel stances, lesson: level one offensive spells, leon and mucca nomed mello's chocolate, duel etiquette

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