So maybe classes from 9 AM to 8:30 PM wasn't the best idea ever. At the end of the day, I just don't feel like doing anything at all and I'm really really hungry. The upside is that Alloy of Law came in and that Thursdays are free of classes and three day weekend to work on the competency :D
Things that I do not want to find after I'm finished with
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Ten more seasons of Fringe would have me die in happiness and joy. But a proper ending would be very nice too- the only issue is that if they don't find out like they did with last season, and they leave us with a giant cliffhanger (imagine that- Fringe ends with Peter disappearing?) but everything that I've read so far seems to suggest that...well, if they do end it, they'll try to do it such that it gives it a proper ending. Or that's what the producers say.
PleasenonononoFringenonono I think that is a thing sometimes? With Firefly, they just went off and made a movie to tie and finish everything up, but I'm sure that there's been some situation where the show is given some extra episodes just to tie everything up. Maybe. But I'm trying to not think about that ladidalalalala because outside of Doctor Who sometimes or once Moffat leaves Fringe is the only show I actually enjoy on multiple levels. IF YOU LEAVE ME FRINGE WHAT WILL I HAVE TO LOOK FORWARD TO AND SQUEE ABOUT AND SPECULATE ON
Ditto re: Fringe. I mean, as much as I enjoy Castle (and things like BBT and HIMYM to a lesser extent), they don't infect my brain the way that Fringe does. (Which sounds creepy, but I mean it in a good way.)
You've been infected with the Fringe Obsession Syndrome, which regretfully also leads to the dreaded Fringe Comparison Complex, in which everything seems worse and second place to Fringe. Unfortunately, this condition is also easily transmissible and chances of reversing the condition decrease drastically once you get to Season 2. Upon reaching Season 3, there's no more hope.
I think one of the largest advantages is just how good it is. Not to say that Castle and TBBT aren't bad, but they're more lighthearted and less intense and I suppose, less emotionally and mentally involved. Fringe kind of feels something like a book. Or it's the TV version of ASoIaF, only without the popular side bonus. Maybe more of Mistborn, before Sanderson was picked to finish up WoT, then.
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