Whimsicality: A Novel Idea

May 16, 2008 16:42

Whimsical. It's a funny word, and amuses me to say the least, for no particular reason. It just sounds so light lighthearted and just spins to mind those little fairytales people used to read.

I am DONE with school. It feels so strange saying that. I also, on this day of listed achivements, finished up Stardust and Leviathan. Leviathan, to be in all frankness, was what I expected from that period: a long drawn out affair about several novel ideas that Hobbes could've spared us the trouble of dragging out for so bloody long. It'd just be easier to skip around and ignore the larger 1/3 or so he dedicates oh so lovingly to the matters of religion. 
Stardust was Gaiman doing what he (along with me) loves best: the Faerie. It wasn't much like the movie at all, but it held its charm to be true along with the small amusements. It does have a particularly memorable line of dialogue, though:

"I am the most miserable person who ever lived."
"You are young, and in love. Every young man in your postion is the most miserable young man who ever lived."

On a really random note, I have now been harranged into seeing the Twilight movie with our dearest friend Annie next year, on the opening day. Nevermind I hate the book and we're an hour/30 min apart. I get to see it. And it shall be terrible. 
On the topside, I did manage to get all of the songs by Muse, which by sad incident, I discovered via Twilight. But I like some of their songs, so I guess it's useful I get some benifits at least for this. 

squee, music, book log

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