Nov 28, 2008 13:12
I just realized there's an undo button on the tool bar. Do you know how amazing that is? All those times that I accidently deleted my own entry and ended up retyping the entire thing (mostly, at least) with a degree of anger and frustration...Could've been saved by one little button that I never realized existed until now.
Amazing, isn't it?
Moving beyond me marveling at my own ignorance. As for the subject, well, it should be self evident as ti why it's there. For the 6th time, I know. I actually meant to post this yesterday, but I was tired and worn out from having to babysit my cousins/deal with them. To the more important and somewhat more interesting things.
I've decided that around age ten, children start reaching that age where they're somewhat annoying and have this overweening image of themselves which then translates into a slightly larger than needed ego. More so in boys than girls, I think, but it could just be my cousins. Point being, it gets a wee bit bothersome when you're trying to babysit all of them and one of them is slowly grating and wearing down your patience. I suppose it doesn't help since he is more or so likely to have picked up some of it from me, which means I get to reap what I've sown. Lovely role model I've played. Oh, and I'm quite terrible at building forts, in accordance to the views of my younger cousins.
Oh, and because it was the best solution that popped up at the time for keeping the children quiet, I got to watch Kung Fu Panda. Not a bad movie, per se, but not a movie that I'd want to watch more than once unless I had no other alternatives.
Now, onto chemistry. Or rather, my feeble attempts of sparring with the nomenclature of Organic- that's not going well at all. I've got honestly no idea how any of it works, other than determining some sort of relation along the carbon chains with the numbers and how the chemicals are ordered. But the more advanced chemicals? I've got no clue as to how those work, since the system I've come up with doesn't seem to work too well with that.
And then there's Gaussian. Gaussian is basically a program that lets you simulate and create molecules in an imaginary environment and play around with them, heat them up and see where they bind to receptors and all that good stuff that I barely understand. My 'homework' from the lab was to learn how to use this aforementioned program, since we only have one other person on the dry side of the lab. What no one did tell me was how bloody complicated this program actually is. The calculations that you get to use comprise of geometry optimization, single point energy and properties, frequency and reaction path following, all represented by handy functions. Which is fine and dandy, until you consider I have no clue whatsoever I'm doing here, much less understand half the garbled language that's coming through. Laura (the other girl on dry side) said I'd have some questions and to feel free to ask her. I didn't think she meant basically anything beyond the most basic instructions.
I've now managed to filter in something over 2600 songs on iTunes now- that's not much good, considering I need to scrap and scrape for free space on my computer. Speaking of which, my main drive seems somehow managed to reach 3/4 of the full capacity, which is troubling given that I rarely save anything to it anymore than the occasional paper or whatnot...But otherwise, there's no reason as to why it should be this full. I need to go through and clean out my RAM soon anyhow.
And it's Friday. It hasn't been too bad thus far, but I'm kind of worried what could happen now, other than discovering that a pair of jeans somehow disappeared into the bowels of the house. I've also picked up some clothes (yay bargain hunting) so that takes care of that. I do have quite an ominous pile of work staring at me demanding to be done by today, though.
movies: kung fu panda,
general life,
happy birthday