Oh hey look who's back

Dec 12, 2013 00:23

AND I'M DONE WITH THE FIRST SEMESTER OF GRAD SCHOOL. And I'm alive, I'm back and catching up slowly, etc and etc, and this is a kind of a way to say HI I'M BACK AND DONE WITH THE SEMESTER.

Of course, I made myself sick from stress and am still recovering, my exam grades could be awful and make things very uncomfortable and complicated, I have a billion emails to read and reply to, I still have to go to the lab to work for another week and a half (I get like a week and a half of break hah) but I'M DONE WITH MY EXAMS AND IT FEELS AMAZING and I'll probably feel very differently when I'm in the lab till 9 but whatever, I'm done with one thing.

my chemical torment, hiatus returning

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