Sep 05, 2006 23:28
Ok so I got a C in science class on a survey thing. I don't even know if its going to go on edline. But am I the only one who seems a little bit fucked over here? I got a C for not having a title on the page. Three words, 'Stem Cell Survey', changed my grade 25%?! Now she always warns us about this kind of shit with the whole 'follow directions' crap and 'method to my madness' thing. But is that socially acceptable behavior for a teacher?
So other than that we broke boards today. fun fun. I hurt my middle finger's knuckle trying to do a back punch.
My Lord of the Rings Ringwraith costume came to day. YAY. It fits and the sword isn't bent. I am happy. So i got my refund for the other accidental order. YAY again.