... so i asked
lj_nifty for some advice. good thing is he wrote back.. bad thing is i dunno what the hell this guy is talking about! @_@
You are getting this email because you expressed an interest in knowing when I had finished redoing the Perl script. So here it is.
If you don't know how to run a Perl script, then you can probably just ignore this message. I'm not putting this up as a Web page right now, since I don't want to flood the server I'm on again. I may do it at some point in the future, though.
I am attaching two files.
The main one is seclev.pl. This does the work. You will have to go into it and edit it to make it do what you want. The things you will need to change (all near the top of the file):
- put in your username and password
- if you want it change your journal to a custom group or groups or to private, you will have to comment out the $allowmask line and replace it with the appropriate one (more on that below)
- enter the starting date and ending date.
The second file is friendgroups.pl. You'll want to use this if you want to make your minimum level custom friend groups. You will have to edit this file to put your username and password in. Then first run friendgroups.pl without any arguments. It will give you a list of the numbers and names of your friend groups. To determine the allow mask, run friendgroups.pl with aguments, one for each friend group you want to include. For example, to include friend groups 1, 3, and 7:
friendgroups.pl 1 3 7
This will calculate the allowmask. Use that number in seclev.pl.
And that's about it. A quick word on what exactly it does:
If $allowmask is 1 (friends):
- Changes all public entries in the date range to friends
- Leaves all other entries in the date range alone
If $allowmask is 0 (private):
- Changes all non-private entries in the date range to private
- Leaves all private entries in the date range alone
If $allowmask is something else (custom friend groups):
- Changes all public, friends, and custom entrie in the date range to the
custom group specified
- Leaves all private entries alone.
I've tested this out on a small test journal, and it seems to work fine. I won't guarantee that you will have no problems with it, but I really think it will be fine.
You'll need the LWP module, which you most likely already have.
If you get weird errors, please let me know.
o_0 the fuck?!