Jul 05, 2014 18:21
Can't even make good words right now. Very bummed that Costa Rica didn't win but proud that they held Holland to a standstill. Holland should have gotten a red and the Ticos should have gotten one or two PKs and I wouldn't have been surprised to see the ref reach for a yellow card and pull out a wad of cash. Very much not enjoying the way officiating and drama (looking at you, Robben) have overshadowed the games. I literally spend games involving Holland waiting for Robben to dive or overact and get a call in his favor. Kind of ruins the fun. Whoever's officiating Argentina v Netherlands had better not take any of his crap.
I do enjoy watching van Persie completely pooch it, though, so that was fun.
Also sucks to see Belgium go but they should be proud. It's been fun watching them play and LOLing at Fellaini and his Fabulous Fro. (Which I'll still get to do when Premier League starts up next month so YAY.)
Hoping for a Germany v Argentina final. Because I don't like the way Brazil plays and because screw Holland.
world cup 2014