Right - now that I've woken up a bit, and scrolled a bit further, i understand a bit better.
Isn't "Field Of Dreams" set in Iowa? have a listen to some of the non-featured parts. Ignore Kevin Costner, I'm sure.
Or search out anything with audio of Bill Bryson? yes, he's probably picked up some englishness, but you might still get some hints?
Re understanding - Halie, was it? Would hearing it out loud help? Don't mind dropping round sometime in the next 3 days to assist, or even just help bemoaning its befuddlement - I've a couple off (ie mon and tues) this week.
Bryson's accent is actually very heavily British influenced. It's actually quite confusing listening to him speak. :) (Went to an author's lunch with him last year/year before.)
Oh, and I've never seen Field of Dreams so wouldn't know where it's set. I'm just overly aware of all the jokes around "If you build it they will come ..."
Monday I'll likely still be down here trying to kick somebody's arse about getting the phone line to my Uncle's unit reconnected - there's a fault at the connection with the ADSL equipment, so it's apparently not Telstra's problem, and the ADSL company doesn't have anybody in on Sundays ... *further eyetwitching* Don't know about Tuesday, will let you know when anything becomes clearer to me or actually happens down here. Oy.
I get her completely. I get most of the characters, I think. It's just what happens that doesn't quite gel with me. And there's at least one monologue that feels utterly out of place, but thankfully it's the one that was assigned to the boys if they felt like avoiding the "I'm dying but I don't want my parents to know I know so how about a shag" speech from Away, or the "How I burned my mother's cats" one from Cosi. (Again, ignoring sodding R&G being
( ... )
I think, but can't be completely sure, that Field of Dreams is in Iowa cornfields. Could be wrong. IMDB would confirm?
bloody method actors ;P
seriously, though - yeah, keep me posted re tuesday. happy to kick ideas re "the play and the themes contained therein" around for a bit of the afternoon.
If all goes well with ADSL people tomorrow *touches wood* I should be back in town Tuesday, so afternoon probably ok. Any input that isn't my being obsessive over "Well, it's about this time, so you've got *this* going on socially, which means that when the children were born it was *that* time with *that* going on and wasn't getting married one way to dodge the draft etc. etc. etc. etc."
I found one online review that compared it to a Greek tragedy! And I'm kinda sitting there going, " ... well, yeah, in as far as inappropriate people shag and kiddies die ..." but I'm guessing that that's probably not a line to use at an audition interview.
yeah - Costner is hard to ignore, but it's helped heaps by the supporting cast - Ray Liotta, James Earl Jones - and that's just off the top of my head. It's sweet, typically 80's but actually has 'half' a brain...
The phone line at my Uncle's unit died on Friday. Dead. Gone. No dial tone, no nothing. So I come back to Nobbys, ring Telstra and tell them that their shit is fucked up. They say that they see, and that they shall get someone onto unfucking their shit post haste. Since Saturday, Telstra has been saying that their shit is not fucked up, it's the ADSL's shit at the exchange that's fucked up, and thus none of their concern because they can't do anything to unfuck other people's shit. By the time I find out who my Uncle's getting his ADSL through, the little company has closed up tight for the weekend. So I leave a message on their machine saying that Telstra says their shit's fucked up. I call back this morning just to remind them, in person, that Telstra says their shit's fucked up. They say that yep, they know their shit's fucked up, but they're sending someone out that minute to unfuck their shit
( ... )
Nah, I'm back now. Heading down again tomorrow, but just for the day to finish up cleaning the two units and collect all the dirty clothes which we couldn't be arsed trying to cram back into the car with two already pissed-off cats.
it's where that quintessentail quote comes from: "if you build it, they will come".
also, IDEA http://web.ku.edu/idea/index.htm is recommended by VASTA, and it's what the acting schools use. it's very good if you have the tech to download the recordings.
Isn't "Field Of Dreams" set in Iowa? have a listen to some of the non-featured parts. Ignore Kevin Costner, I'm sure.
Or search out anything with audio of Bill Bryson? yes, he's probably picked up some englishness, but you might still get some hints?
Re understanding - Halie, was it? Would hearing it out loud help? Don't mind dropping round sometime in the next 3 days to assist, or even just help bemoaning its befuddlement - I've a couple off (ie mon and tues) this week.
Monday I'll likely still be down here trying to kick somebody's arse about getting the phone line to my Uncle's unit reconnected - there's a fault at the connection with the ADSL equipment, so it's apparently not Telstra's problem, and the ADSL company doesn't have anybody in on Sundays ... *further eyetwitching* Don't know about Tuesday, will let you know when anything becomes clearer to me or actually happens down here. Oy.
I get her completely. I get most of the characters, I think. It's just what happens that doesn't quite gel with me. And there's at least one monologue that feels utterly out of place, but thankfully it's the one that was assigned to the boys if they felt like avoiding the "I'm dying but I don't want my parents to know I know so how about a shag" speech from Away, or the "How I burned my mother's cats" one from Cosi. (Again, ignoring sodding R&G being ( ... )
bloody method actors ;P
seriously, though - yeah, keep me posted re tuesday. happy to kick ideas re "the play and the themes contained therein" around for a bit of the afternoon.
I found one online review that compared it to a Greek tragedy! And I'm kinda sitting there going, " ... well, yeah, in as far as inappropriate people shag and kiddies die ..." but I'm guessing that that's probably not a line to use at an audition interview.
If I didn't know it was a Kevin Costner movie, that description makes it almost seem worth watching!
might see if I can grab it somewhere en route...?
The phone line at my Uncle's unit died on Friday. Dead. Gone. No dial tone, no nothing. So I come back to Nobbys, ring Telstra and tell them that their shit is fucked up. They say that they see, and that they shall get someone onto unfucking their shit post haste. Since Saturday, Telstra has been saying that their shit is not fucked up, it's the ADSL's shit at the exchange that's fucked up, and thus none of their concern because they can't do anything to unfuck other people's shit. By the time I find out who my Uncle's getting his ADSL through, the little company has closed up tight for the weekend. So I leave a message on their machine saying that Telstra says their shit's fucked up. I call back this morning just to remind them, in person, that Telstra says their shit's fucked up. They say that yep, they know their shit's fucked up, but they're sending someone out that minute to unfuck their shit ( ... )
should someone mail some underwear down in a care package?
"if you build it, they will come".
also, IDEA http://web.ku.edu/idea/index.htm is recommended by VASTA, and it's what the acting schools use. it's very good if you have the tech to download the recordings.
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