May 05, 2005 17:41
You are marooned on an island somewhere in the middle of the pacific ocean, how did you get there?
I swam.
After searching the island, you discover you are not alone. Who, or what did you find?
A colony of Komodo dragons who haven't eaten meat for two years, and a symbiotic colony of aye-ayes who share their coconuts with the dragons.
Problem: a large ravine runs through the very middle of the island. On one side there is plentiful food and shelter, the other side is barren, decorated mostly with sand and salt shrubs. There is the odd palm tree scattered here and there. You are on the barren side of the ravine. You have no tools to help you, only your wits. How will you get to the other side of the ravine?
I'll swim around the ravine.
You befriend a monkey, because monkeys are cute. What do you name it, and why?
Heironymous. Because I can.
Did you escape the island, or not? If you did, how? If not, why?
Stories slowly filtered back to Australia of a wild woman living on *that* island with a faithful simian side-kick, tame dragons who hunt for her and an army of ghosts that guard her at night. Curious scientific boffin-types (who hopefully resemble Matthew McConaughey and/or Angelina Jolie) fetch up on the island. We live happily ever after with Heironymous and the dragons and the aye-ayes.