Misery not going ahead, so whether I'm too young to play Annie Wilkes has now become a purely academic question. Damn. I would have enjoyed taking a sledgehammer to someone on stage. Guess I'll have to audition for Lavinia in Titus Andronicus instead. Provided I can get past the blurb - "Direction inspired by the ongoing conflict in the Middle East ..." Oh, boy. Someone else taking a dead white guy's words and using them to further their own agenda. At least Brecht and Miller had the guts to write their own damning material.
My paranoia is apparently kicking in - I had two separate dreams last night wherein it was revealed that someone whom I consider a close friend in actuality hates me. The first time it was
jilder; the second,
catdraco. I may or may not post later about why my subconscious is starting to gear into self-protection overdrive - I'll wait and see exactly how twitchy I get over the next few days and then decide how badly I need to justify myself.
I'd like to thank
flatfive for posting
this link, and encourage everyone not on her friends list (or who didn't follow the link from her post) to read the article. My faith is something I'm not known for discussing, mostly because it's still very confused and, to steal a term from
bjoose, gumboistic. This post puts forward a fantastic point of view that I wish more people would embrace.
Calvin and Hobbes Character Quiz brought to you by
Quizilla Anyone got any idea where this is?? I would adore to have a few in their courtyard!
It seems that
ghymoreids_mum's cats have cottoned on to the fact that when I show up, it means she's going away. Bastis (the boy) spent last night being very aloof and suspicious, and then most of this morning screaming at me. I keep telling him that she's left us and abandoned us and doesn't love us anymore, but it doesn't seem to comfort him any. ;) Lucy (the girl who's technically mine but still lives here) continues to be her laconic self. The only time she complains is when she thinks you ought to be feeding her those corn-chips/tuna/pizza shapes. And she wonders why we take her to the obesity clinic once a month.
Hmmm, let's see. I bought Hellboy secondhand at the video store yesterday, SQUEE! I spent an hour on the phone to my Evil Younger Sibling™ this morning - little bastard's heading off down the coast for a weekend of drinking and swimming and lounging in the sun. Hope he ends up with more spots that need to be removed. Bloody dark-skinned-gene-carrying S.O.B.
I'm tired now.
wicked_wish's great Stop Fucking Him post. READ IT!