Aug 22, 2005 12:49
Due to popular demand (really!), Gentlemen’s Breakfast Club will be held this Tuesday at Perkins, same place, same time. From there, you guys are on your own, I’m afraid. Do us no-longer-highschoolers proud. Tentative topic: drafting the first official GBC press release.
Here’s an update on some college-related things:
- I now know all three classes I’m taking: “Civil Rights: Malcolm & Martin,” a political science seminar about civil rights and political action, Spanish, and an introductory psychology course. Speaking with Mendelson about taking a psych course, he told me he’d considered taking one, but thought it’d make him feel bad. I’m not sure I feel the same way-I might not mind being able to call whatever hang-ups and neuroses I have by name. No English, unfortunately; probably not the best way to start out as a probable English major, but all the classes I would’ve taken in the area were full.
- I also now know the kind of on-campus work I’ll be doing (and I am extremely pleased): 8 hours a week at the Carleton library, mainly doing shelving from what I understand. Given that jobs at the library are often reserved for members of the older grades, and that I conceivably could’ve been stuck with janitorial or security work instead, this is just about ideal. When filling out the campus work forms, I almost didn’t bother mentioning that I’d volunteered a bit at the Ames Public Library. I’m very glad I took the time.
- I’m not sure I’m in the best mindset for college intellectually, if only because the idea of intellectualism for intellectualism’s sake doesn’t hold much appeal for me right now. I’m not sure I can muster enough interest to discuss and exchange ideas just because they exist (at least not very effectively, anyway). I’m seeking what I guess you’d call a kind of intellectual utilitarianism, efficiency of ideas, concepts that are practical and relevant. When waxing philosophical with fellow students and with teachers over the next couple years, I’d like for whatever conclusions we arrive at to have a direct bearing on my life, and I think I’ll be frustrated if they don’t. This is probably somewhat unrealistic, but I am feeling hungry and I am feeling impatient. I think a good measure of a person’s worth is how capable they are of improving themselves and their surroundings (in any and all respects), and more than anything else, I’d like to be more capable of doing these things upon graduating. It may sound like I’m taking a lot for granted here (when am I ever going to have the chance to sit on my ass debating abstracts again?), but I just want to see action, results, to be a model of efficiency and use every bit of my education.