The human voice conspires to desecrate everything on earth

May 29, 2005 18:18

Some things:

If anyone has any wire coathangers they're willing to part with, please give them to me or Joe, as we're planning to make a coathanger sculpture this summer (probably a bird).

I stayed up past 4 last night for no good reason, and I didn't shower this morning (and I never don't shower). What this means to me is that I need to be working more, and soon. Field work, hopefully. The prospect of manual labor is very appealing to me right now.

However much of a nerd it makes me, I am really and sincerely excited for Batman Begins. Like really, really excited. First-show opening-day excited. (You really should have seen the trailer on the big screen, Jimbo. FUCKIN' KILLER.)

When are we going to get around to going tubing, fellas?

Is it right for me to blame American culture for the fact that I subconsciously equate living a meaningful life with having a career that I would perceive to be meaningful, or for the fact that I have a really difficult time feeling content if I'm doing nothing?

You know what I would really like to avoid? Hosting or being at parties where people drink wine, eat cheese, wear earthtones, and talk about recent events in their respective academic circles once I've reached my thirties. If I end up becoming the type of person who attends these kinds of functions on a regular basis, I'd like for one of you to find me and slap me around a bit. Incidentally, any updates on the possibility of a dance party sometime soon?

Right now, Gentlemen's Breakfast Club: Summer Edition is slated to kick off Tuesday, June 8 at 9 P.M. at Perkins. Tim and I haven't decided definitively on topics, but I'm kind of partial to 'Autumn: Gayest of all seaons?'. 5-minute dance parties will most likely take place in the parking lot.

I've been, in the back of my mind, worried about living what I'd consider a meaningless life for some time now (this is made more difficult by the fact that I do not believe in many absolutes, nor do I want to), but yesterday, almost at random, I got a better sense of what it might be like to live such a life, to get past the unnecessary troubles that come with adolescence only to look inside myself and not find very much. I don't think I can articulate it very well, but it was an uncomfortable kind of feeling.

While serving as EIC on the WEB this past year, I for some reason developed an irrational urge to hyphenate things that probably don't need to be hyphenated. It's a pain in the ass pretty much any time I'm writing something now.

EDIT: Oh, and congrats to all of the new WEB editors (those who read this, at least). I'm excited to see what you guys come up with.
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