May 31, 2006 13:11
Well, it's been a long time since I've updated, and I guess I don't really have a reason other than I've been pretty busy pretty much all of the time. Though I'm not sure things could be any other way--I find myself wanting to do everything, to fill whatever free time I do have with something else, be productive and prolific and fucking do, do, do. There's too much to do be any other way right now. I'm not convinced this is what I want my whole life to be like, but I can't really forsee stopping anytime soon either. Bringing you up to speed:
- Somewhere in the term, I had some pretty shitty weeks, but things are really good. A turnaround point was Carleton's spring concert day, sustained by some other fine campus institutions like Rotblatt and last Saturday's Intergalactic Superhero/Supervillain Convention. It has been excruciatingly hot here lately, but the worst of it seems to be over. Still, though, there's no good reason why Northfield, MN should be one of the hottest places in the nation at any point.
- My classes for the year ended at 3 pm today, and finals are over by Monday night. I should be back home Tuesday evening, which will mean, among other things, better food, a more comfortable bed, my own bathroom (I found over spring break that my bowel movements really were just a notch above back in Ames. Should I have included this? No. But there, you've read it), and an end to the most awkward living situation I expect to ever have to deal with.
- Next year looks to be as good or better than this one. I'll be living in a quint in Evans, the benefits of which I'm sure will outweigh the occasional give-and-take that'll have to go on. Also, in addition to continuing my section of the Carl and being a music director for the radio station fall term, my schedule of classes looks pretty neat: AMST 203 - Investigative Reporting, SOAN 266 - Urban Sociology, Spanish 204, and PE 127 - Beginning Ultimate Frisbee.
- I still don't know what to do about a major. English is always an option, but creative writing here seems to be kind of anemic, and there's not nearly as much contemporary lit as I'd like (good profs, though). There's no journalism major, and although poli-sci'd equip me for journalism as well as anything, my interest in it isn't, I don't know, balanced? Studying systems of oppression seems fascinating, and the ins-and-outs of state government infinitely less so. I'll be interested to see how much I like Soc. Journalism continues to feel like the thing, though. Could change, obviously, but I feel really cavalier about it, and though a lot of that's probably naiveté, it's reassuring, too.
- It is still weird writing livejournal posts with both college and high school friends reading. I haven't figured out how, with no singular audience in mind.
- Have I told you how much I love YouTube? I love YouTube. If there's one thing that could reduce me to doing pretty much nothing, it's having old Pavement videos and episodes of Justice League Unlimited available with such ease. Dan Sugarman mentioned once that I tend to vacillate between the ages of about 25 and 8, and he was at least half right. So much Justice League. Incidentally, Jim, I hope you've started training for our vigilante justice sessions this summer.