Oct 31, 2005 16:49
This year, I've been unable to come up with a Halloween costume that doesn't make me hate myself just a little bit. First, I was planning to go as the infant mortality rate of a random country, but I felt like a bit too much of a prick. Then, I was going to be the GDP of Wales, but I didn't find it immediately when I looked on Google (and which also made me feel like a prick). Now I've settled on dressing in all black, strapping a whiteboard to myself, writing a number on it, and going as "The Number of Asses I've Kicked Today". I partially love this idea and partially hate it, and am likewise partially amused with myself and partially filled with self-loathing. I really should've looked into making a Wolverine costume or something.
Mendelson already covered me visiting him at Mac on his blog, so I'll only reiterate that it was a pretty awesome time. Also, The Go! Team were good, and Broken Social Scene were great (so much better than they were in Chicago, in fact, that I've never been to a concert that's exceeded my expectations by so much--to call it a transcendent show would probably not be hyperbole). Other notable events include eating a Davanni's pizza and arguing with Mendy and Erinrose about my alleged inherent meanness (Aaron is still bitter about his car getting filled with newspaper last spring and me thinking he was a goober during middle school).
Some incidental stuff: I've never been less convinced that (one's) music (selections) has much to do with personal identity. A kind of collective/cultural identity, maybe, but there's nothing personal about that. What value it does have is kind is usually the indication of other, more important things. I've also never been more convinced that hipness/coolness as concepts are more or less bullshit. Stuff that gets in the way of other stuff.