Mar 26, 2006 17:44
I honestly don't know how it happened, but this weekend was productive all the way through.
Since I don't have Friday classes, my weekends usually have at least one day of dragging before I finally get around to doing my school work.
Friday - started off pretty rough; CSJ heard a case Thursday night and I went head to head with someone who has the ability to turn people against him in under 30 seconds. Well, after getting a phone call from him around midnight as I was informing all the parties of the outcome of the case, he decided that he was going to channel whatever had pissed him off at me. I was polite, really I was, but when he started swearing at me I hung up on him and turned my phone to silent. Disagreement I am willing to deal with, constructive criticism is appreciated, whining brats who can't think of anything else but to attack an individual whom they don't know... I decided to take the high road and get some sleep. So when I woke up, I knew that CSJ was meeting in the early afternoon to write the decision and that most of my day would be split between that and fielding questions as I was designated PR person for the case. Funny thing is, that even though nearly everyone didn't like at least some part of the decision (that 6 people heard, so I can't take credit or be blamed for especially since I was in the minority on some of the issues) once they heard the reasoning, facts and legal basis they agreed that we weren't out of our minds, they would have preferred another ruling.
So I met with the Dean of Students and had a really good meeting and Friday we got the decision written. That night was spent with Dan, Jen F. and her brother.
Saturday - read, read, read. Three classes of reading done, did decent in my Trial Practice class and watched movies with Dan. Plus we went out to eat, stopped by Borders, and got ice cream.
Sunday (today) - got a paper written, started working on another, figuring out what to do with two newly filed cases, about to go meet Jennifer G. for dinner then I'll probably be back to work on paper #2 some more. May not seem like a lot but I spent 5 hours helping do repairs and cleaning the frat house I live in (one of the conditions of living there, we have a version of a work holiday like the co-ops).
The only thing that I would like to get done that I haven't worked on is a resume for a student affairs job (I get three pages to work with instead of one) and that means that cover letter writing is coming up too. But with assignments almost done, I can quickly turn to other projects and focus on post-school things a little bit more. You know like that pesky bar exam and finding a place to live while studying for it, and a job after that.
But for now, I'm enjoying being productive.