Aug 30, 2006 01:13
Sleeeeep heated waterbed is pretty much making me pass the fuck out right this'l be short.
I'm actually lookin forward to work in a couple hours, I dont usually because I have to get up at like 5:15.2am, but when I get there I always feel a lot better. Plus I'm workin a different job on the jets which is way fun and also very self-gratifying, which is helping me out a lot right now.
Plus this weekend I have four days off...I'm thinkin about maybe rent'n a plane and flying to Idaho or California...or somthin like that.
PCC school'n starts pretty soon...I'm really lookin forward to that as well, because after this term I'll pretty much have my associates degree wrapped up. All this means to me is that it'l be only one more year until I can apply for undergraduate pilot training. I've also been looking into the Navy route more and more lately which has seemingly started to look like the route I'm going to try and start out with. Most of the fighter pilots at our base started out as previous navy pilots. The pilot selection process isnt near as tough as the Air Force. Dont get me wrong, i'll still have to be a lucky bastard to get a pilot slot in the navy, but at the same time I'll have a much better chance.
So yep.