Summer, Sun & Monsters?

Aug 11, 2009 23:33

Title: Summer, Sun & Monsters?
Characters: Donna, Doctor, Sylvia
Summary: It was supposed to be an ordinary beach holiday.
Rating: G
Word Count: under 850
Disclaimer: *sticks fingers in ears* They're mine. They're mine. Lalalalalala.
A/N: Written for the Weekly Drabble Prompt #19 at doctor_donna. Very straight-forward time-traveling holiday.

The Doctor had promised Donna a beach holiday. When he had selected their destination, he hadn’t thought it would be like this. He’d thought they’d spend some relaxing time on the beach, maybe built a sandcastle or two and have some ice cream. He should have known better.

He and his ginger-haired companion huddled in the dunes where they had established their beachhead.

“Do you think we’re safe here?” the Doctor whispered.

She lisped earnestly, “We thould theck.”

The Doctor nodded solemnly, agreeing that she was right. She was always right.

A casual observer might have seen two heads, one a spiky hedgehog and one a flaming, curly sun, rising above the top of the dune and peek around cautiously. They nodded to each other, satisfied that all danger was apparently a long way away, and retreated again.

They should have checked behind them.

“Donna Noble,” shrilled a voice. “Have you any idea how long I’ve been looking for you?”

They both turned around.

“Aw, mommy,” Donna said imploringly. “Don’t wanna go home yet. Wanna play.”

Even her lower lip wobbled imploringly. The Doctor thought that it might be the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Sylvia remained unmoved by the wobbly lip. “You’ve played long enough. Who’s this?”

“That’th my friend, the doctor,” Donna said obediently. She added to the Doctor, “That’th my mommy.”

Mommy glanced at the Doctor disapprovingly. “I think your friend is looking for you, by the way.”

“My friend?”

“Tall, red-haired, yelling for a doctor very loudly?”

“Oh, yes. That’s my friend.”

“Then she’s looking for you.”

“Doctor,” shrilled a new voice right on cue. Donna’s - adult Donna’s head appeared over the dune like a flaming, curly sun. A flaming, curly, very, very angry sun. “What were you thinking disappearing like that? Were you thinking at all?”

“Your friend thoundth like my mommy,” little Donna lisped confidentially.

The Doctor leaned to her and whispered just as quietly, “Yes, but don’t tell her.”

Little Donna giggled.

Donna noticed her mini version for the first time. “What have you done?” she exclaimed, horrified.

“I- Nothing. I haven’t done anything,” the Doctor said or rather tried to say. Sylvia had spent the last half hour searching frantically for her daughter and her nerves were a bit frayed. Her sharp voice drowned out any of his pathetic attempt of defence. “What do you mean ‘done’? Is he in the habit of doing things?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe,” Donna said and glared at him.

“What? Abducting little girls?” Sylvia’s voice had a very panicky ring to it.

The Doctor thought this had gone on long enough. “I don’t abduct little girls!”

“Ha,” Donna said.

“I don’t,” he insisted. “And anyway, Donna took me prisoner.”

All eyes swivelled to little Donna who beamed proudly. “Yeth, I did. With my handcuffth.” She held up two entwined rings fashioned out of dune grass. “The Doctor didn’t get free. And he even uthed hith fonic thtick.”

“You used the sonic screwdriver on m- a little girl?” Donna looked ready to explode.

The Doctor really didn’t see anything wrong with his actions. “Well, I had to use every means at my disposal, hadn’t I? But Donna was too clever for me anyway.”

“I traffogrimied the handcuffth,” the girl explained to her mother and her new friend’s friend.

“Traffowhat?” Sylvia asked.

"Traffogrimied. That’s a technical term," the Doctor said and nodded once. He held another, unbent blade of dune grass to the handcuffs. “Watch.”

Sylvia and Donna watched. Nothing happened.

“See how the sonic waves just bounce off the handcuffs?” the Doctor asked excitedly. “That’s because Donna traffogrimied them. Brilliant idea, that. I wouldn’t ever have thought of it.”

“Bet you wouldn’t,” Donna muttered but she smiled.

Sylvia finally smiled slightly, too. “I’d still like to know why you were hiding in the dunes.”

“We were hunting treathureth. And then there were montherth,” her tiny daughter replied seriously.

The Doctor enforced her statement. “There was a sudden invasions of vadedomumsaurs. We decided to pool our resources and regroup.”

Donna thought about that. “The go-home-dinosaurs?”

“Well...” The Doctor looked at her sheepishly.

She sighed. “We’ll talk about that later. Right now, what I want to do is actually go home and have a long bath and bemoan all my hair that’s turned to grey thanks to your little stunt.”

Sylvia’s thoughts ran along similar ways. “Say goodbye to your friend, Donna,” she said. “You can see him tomorrow again.”

Donna smiled with her teeth-gap at him. “Thee you tomorrow?”

“Sure,” the Doctor answered happily.

Sylvia took her daughter by the hand. "Come, daddy's already waiting for us."

The Doctor and his grown-up companion watched the pair wander off towards their hotel. He turned to his friend, “You know, I liked the seventies pretty well back when I was spending so much time in them. I don’t remember the monsters being quite so frightening though.”

Donna rolled her eyes and changed the topic slightly. "Didn't you once tell me that you can't meet yourself? That it's forbidden? That bad things happen when one meets oneself?"

"Oh no, that's only if you get too close to yourself. Don't touch little Donna and we should be fine." The Doctor paused thoughtfully. “You were really cute as a child. Do you know that you have the cutest lip wobble I’ve ever seen?”

“Don’t go there, mate.” Donna stalked off to the TARDIS.

weekly drabble challenge, fic : doctor who

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