Characters: Any GHPers that signed up.
Location: The Mental Institution Alice is in.
Time: Pre-Project Rivival
Content: Breaking Alice out.
Warnings: Violence? Language?
Note: This is pretty much completely unorginized - on purpose. Threadjack, jump over each other. Group Two still needs to get lost or have some hijinks. Also, there's an NPC,
npcrednurse that
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Have fun.
She saw no reason why this plan of attack wouldn't work here too, especially since they were supposed to do what they could to draw fire and give the others a chance to actually get inside to where Alice was being kept.
She cracked her knuckles, limbering up, first one hand and then the other, she had all three sets of her knives that day, one set in a bandolier, one set in a thigh holster, and one set as backup, "We ready for this?"
She cracks her neck carelessly, the twitching smile at her lips being the only hint that she's not bored out of her mind. This was easily the coolest thing Goldie had gotten to do in years. "Let's just bust some skulls and make a nice show for the cameras."
"Two exits as well as that one," she points at the door. "But I blocked up the one on the roof. Silly people, jumping when they know they can't fly. Block that one as we go through and that means they'll all be running left. Away from Alice."
Tink's so over excited it's a wonder she's not turning somersaults. The dagger strapped to the belt at her waist is the same one she used ten years ago, and it still fits her hand perfectly.
"That is, anyone who doesn't want to stay for the adventure."
She smiles at the others. "Hello Red, Goldilocks...Tink." She's polite, but her greeting is never as warm for Tinker Bell as anyone else, which she feels guilty about, since she was kind to her the other day.
It was a joke, but not exactly made to be really funny. This was serious time, and Beast knew how to be a serious guy. He wasn't as darkly dressed as the others, wearing a navy hoodie and jeans-not black at all, but he also probably didn't care as much for stealth. It wasn't his thing, and he was here to break faces and kick ass anyway. He didn't care if anyone saw him, 'cause the next thing they'd be seeing would be his fist and it would probably be the last thing they saw for a long time--if not forever.
There was a lot of pent-up anger in this one, and goodness knew breaking some orderlie's nose would obviously fix everything. That's just the way his mind worked, or was programmed to work. It didn't matter.
"This isn't a playground." The guard called out.
She slips the brass knuckles off of her neck and over her hands and runs towards one, pulls back her fist and lets if fly, aiming for his face.
"Let's go, guys!"
Tink had gotten a quick hug and a: "Clever, Tink." When she explained about the exits, and Beast had also gotten a quick hug and a near-feral grin, they were in their element here, after all.
At the warning and Wendy's shout, Red didn't have to be told twice, she hardly even had to be told once, her cry of: "Charge!" Trailing off into a wordless roar partway through as she surged forward, following the younger girl.
Goldie darted around, aiming a sharp right hook at around the approximated kidney of the nearest orderly. It had been sort of a trademark of hers during their training drills - fight quick, fight dirty, do whatever it takes to get 'em coughing on the ground. Anything more was a waste of time!
"Your darkest fears. Your worst nightmares. They're coming to life right in front of you," she whispers in an eerie, yet oddly hypnotic voice. The words come to her, then, and she says with a cruel smile, "Tiny poisonous spiders. They're crawling all over you, tiny little legs skittering across your skin, carrying their hairy little bodies and beady little eyes. They're going to devour you."
It's a very un-Wendy-like thing to say, but she's gone into one of her trances, and the man who has grabbed her suddenly drops her, shrieking and hopping about, scratching at himself, yelling, "Get them off me! Get them off me!" And she laughs, a mad kind of glint in her eye, until she shakes herself out of it and comes back to her senses, disturbed by what has just passed, but she brushes it off. Her focus is needed
It felt good to have a straightforward purpose: beat people, find Alice.
He grins wildly, and crows, "Hello, everyone!"
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