I'm finally in College

Aug 24, 2005 14:50

Finally, I'M FREEE!!!!!!!!

I finally moved into my dorm on Monday. It was such a long drive. It should have taken about three hours, but of course we had to be delayed by traffic (and we were making such good time too). I finally got in arouond 3 or 3:30. After all of my stuff was in my room I went and got my books. They didn't even have my engineering book yet. When I heard that, tears just filled my eyes. Later that day I met my roommate Jared who is a pretty cool guy. He has to be cool considering he brought a TV, SNES, N64, Gamecube, DVD player w/ Family Guy.

Tuesday was an adventure in it self. Jared and I got some breakfast then walked over to the library because he had to print something off and he wanted to set up his FaceBook account. But for some reason, after he got off and then tried to get back on it, it wouldn't let him back on. Then we played a game of Ultimate Frisbee with 20 some odd guys. It really wasn't Jared's thing so he left and went bike riding. I played another game. The first game my team owned the field. The second game we lost by 2 points. Later I met with Haz to see if I was good enough to join the band. We played for a little. It was so cool because we actually played Dream Theater. If I don't make it, they said I could always be their sound guy since they need one of those too. After that I chilled out in my dorm for awhile. Then I met up with Natalie and her gang of friends. Then Sam, Scooter, and another kid that I can't remember off the top of my head went back to Sam's room. Around 11 we all went our own seperate ways.

I thought today was going to be some semi bad, but it turned out to be pretty cool. All of my teachers so far have been really friendly and actually pretty cool. My math teacher is old and makes mistakes from time to time, but he's really cool about us correcting him (I know that some teachers make a deal about that). English was interesting. My English teacher seemed pretty cool. I think it's funny that one of her rules is to keep a sense of humor. Even better is the fact that she wants us to relate more to the books than to rely on facts. My Engineering Fundimentals class was okay. They try to keep it light and fun but still get work done. I have one more class today and then I'm free for the night.

Later folks.


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