Title: Maybe
Rating: G
Summary: Prompt 192 from
daily15 The word is future
She leaned back, resting on her elbows and gazing up at the glowing stars. It seemed strange to her that those same stars, or at least ones so similiar that no real difference could be found, had been seen by her parents, by their parents, by their parents, and by hundreds of generations before them, even. She had always assumed, in a childish way, that these were her stars. Now, after being reunited with her family, her culture, her people, she felt much less connected, much more like just one of a numberless mass.
"Do you miss it there?"
Annibella jerked slightly with surprise at the sudden voice, and cursed herself for not being alert, for not noticing the small girl walk up. Sitting up and patting her lap, she smiled softly as Kristen happily sat down, playing with the older girl's hair as she listened for an answer.
"I do," Annibella said softly, looking under the stars to the forest below the hill, below the village. That was her real home, of course-- she had spent almost eighteen years there, alone but for Manya. How could she not miss it?
"But don't you like us?"
Annibella smiled and looked down at Kristen.
"Of course I do," she said, hugging the small child. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she did or not, but of the village, Kristen was by far her favorite. The eight year old had no deeper motives, no intentions of changing Annibella or anything of the sort. The others... they meant well, Annibella knew, but it was all she could do to keep from running back to what remained of her former home, even though she knew there was nothing left for her to return to.
The two sat in silence, looking at the stars, Annibella thinking about what was behind her and what lay ahead, Kristen trying to be like her new friend in every way, even in looking at the sky for no apparent reason.
"What's going to happen to me?" Annibella said quietly, a question to the world more than to anyone specific. "What am I going to do?"
She hated not knowing her future. Before, it had been so clear-- she would care for Manya, she would care for the house, she would tend to the animals and grow the food and focus on the moment and live for the moment and be the moment. But now, living in the village, she had nothing do to, which meant she had much too much time to think, to think about what was to come and what was to be. There was no moment, just the possibility of one in the next moment. She could never be alive anymore, for the fear of not properly anticipating the next chance she would have for life. There was no moment here. There was only tomorrow.
Kristen was obviously confused by her new friends' questions, and so she did the only thing that any child can do-- she gave Annibella a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The young child stood up and grabbed Annibella's hand, tugging slightly.
"Come on, Anni," she said. "Mother said we can't stay out too late. And I want to show you the bread I helped make today!"
Annibella smiled and rose. "Alright, Kristen," she said, letting herself be led back to the village. Maybe the future wouldn't be so bad-- at least, with children like Kristen to lead the way, there would be a future. And maybe, thought Annibella, that was all one could ask for. Maybe that was enough.
Giving her stars one last glace, Annibella ran with Kristen back to the village, listening to the small girl chatter about something or other. Maybe this was enough indeed. Maybe this was all the future needed.