Jun 16, 2006 00:44
Whats your name?: Colin
What do people call you?: Colin, Hog, Col, Col-doll, Hoag, handsome
Where you named after anything?: no
If you were born the oppisite sex what would your name be?: lindsay
Do people spell/say your name wrong?: yeah, all the time (say colon or spell collin)
If you could change your name what would you change it to?: i like it
Gender?: male
Birthday?: 3/4/85
Age?: 21
Age you act?: 60 and 15
Age you want to be?: 60 and 15
Height?: 5'8" .
Eye color?: blue
Happy with it?: sure
Natural hair color?: Brown
Happy with it, if not do you dye it?: dont really care
Righty or lefty?: Righty
Family?: Mom,Dad, Older Brother, Dog
Pets?: 1 Dog
Peircings?: When I was 15 I pierced my ear with a planet holywood pin, and wore it (bc i was an idiot)
Tatoos?: two, probably 3 soon
Single?: yup
Who are you with, or who do you want to be with?: i'm a loner dottie, a rebel
Are you in love?: i do my best
Have you ever been in love, if so how many times?: yeah, once
Do you believe in love at first sight?: i dont know
Is it possible to be faithful to one person for ever?: sure, loads of people do it
Do you want to get married?: definitely, just not soon
Do you want to have kids?: absolutely
How many?: 2 or 3.
Do you believe in divorce?: sure
Do you belive in true love?: yeah i think
Do you consider love a mistake?: no way
Turn-ons?: cmon now...
Turns-offs?: assholes, bitches (people who are such because they think its cool), high-maintenance
Do you think the oppisite sex finds you attractive?: why dont you ask them?
What is best about the opposite sex?: everything, i adore women
What is worst about the oppisite sex?: how high strung/competetive they can get
Are you a virgin?: nope
Do you belive you should be in love to have sex?: no, but it does make it better
How far have you gone?: what a dumb question to ask after those two
How many people have you had sex with?: no comment
Do other people consider you a slut?: its possible
Where are you?: my parents living room
What can you see out your window?: moore st in waverly
Are you listening to music?: no
Are you lonely or tired?: both haha
Use 5 words to decribe how you are feeling: liquored up, bored, and tired
Are you talking to anyone online, if so who?: no
Are you talking to anyone of the phone, if so who?: no
What are you wearing?: clothes, i dont know
What are you doing?: not doing this survey... idiot
Whats on your mousepad?: nothing
How many true friends do you have?: several
Are you a loner?: yes, but no
Who is your best friend?: they all know who they are
Oldest?: my mother
Newest?: a bunch of phi mu alpha guys who i got to be good friends with
Shyest?: idk
Loudest?: no one is really loud
Smartest?: everyone has their own relative knowledge
Ditziest?: definitely molly
Funniest?: phil and jim are always good for a laugh
Who is the best listener?: everyone
Do you prefer to hang out with one friend or a group of friends?:
a group usualy
Who do you wish you were closer to?: i dont know
Who knows the most about you?: phil, jim, molly, jenny, emily, pat, katie, idk
Who knows the least about you?: haha everyone else
Who do you trust the most?: everyone buy molly, because she always fucks things up, stupid whore
The least?: molly elizabeth retard tennis
Who do you fight with the most?: lol molly
Who do you talk to online the most?: probably jenny
Who do you talk to on the phone the most?: i dont really do that much
Do you trust others easily?: not really
Name one who's arms you feel safe in: wow, thats gay question
Who house were you at last?: mine
Who's your second family?: the moores probably
Who lives the farthest away?: pat
Smoke?: nah
Drink alcohol?: almost exclusively
Do drugs?: nah
Pray?: every night (oddly enough)
Go to church?: when i can
Sleep with stuffed animals?: absolutely not
Take walks in the rain?: always
Dance in the rain?: sometimes, but not really
Do any sports? if so which ones?: i do 12 oz curls often
Sleep around?: used to
Lie a lot?: no
Steal?: yes
Gamble? i bet on horses from time to time
Kissed a stranger?: Yes
Slept with a stranger?: yeah
Spun until you were so dizzy you couldn't walk?: Yes
Screamed so much you lost your voice?: yeah
Laughed so much it was painful?: yeah
Cried so much it was painful?: probably
Gone skinny dipping?: i dont think so
Played strip poker?: no
Had a medical emergency?: yup
Ran away from home?: not really, but yes
Done something extremely unexpected?: hahai dont konw
Slept outside?: Definitely
Been onstage?: all the time
Whats your biggest fear?: dying without truly living
What was your weirdest dream?: ive had several
Scariest dream?: its porbably best tht i dont say
Do you have a reoccuring dream?: yes
What was your best dream?: i dotn know
What is your dream?: house in corsica and one in scotland, wife, kids, lots of free time to waste with them
Do you live in the moment?: only when i have to
What you greatest stregth?: i aim high
Whats your greatest weakness?: i aim too high
Do you have a motto you live by?: the best songs have yet to be sung... (walt whitman's memoirs)
If your life were a movie what would it be called?: the short happy life of colin hogan (anyone get it?)
Do you have any bad habits?: drinking too much
Do you have any secrets?: yeah
Are you fake?: when i'm bartending
What do you want to do in life?: be the best husband and father i can be (stolen from maciek)
Are you a daredevil?: no, too lazy
Are you predictable?: probalby
Do you keep a journal/diary?: i remember important things
If you could change one thing about you would you, what would it be?: i wish i didnt think so much, and i wish i lived in the 40s
If you were someone else, would you be friends with yourself?: eyah , i like me
Do you think your a good person?: I try
Do you think your emotionally strong?: yeah
Do you regret anything?: sure
Do you think life has been good so far?: definitely
What do you like most about you body?: haha, umm, it still functions
Are you trustworthy?: yeah