May 21, 2006 22:13
Yeah, so I made a personal vow that I was done writing in livejournal (mostly because I never write anything significant, and never read anyone elses, so I wonder how many people actually read mine...) but this just proves how bored I am.
So its probably been like nine months since I've updated...
Here is the super abridged version of what has happend since then:
I was in England
I loved it
I had a relationship
I ran out of money
I worked under the table as an elf in a German xmas market for money (because I didnt have a visa)
I backpacked Ireland (and totally spent every cent I had, and some that I didn't)
I came home (barely)
I got a bunch of film scoring books for xmas, read them, and decided thats definitely what I want to do with my life
I took a bartending course over winter break
I moved into a crappy apartment in Potsdam
I had a pretty crappy semester in a crappy apartment
I got addicted to Law and Order
I did a musical
I started homebrewing (and love it)
My relationship ended (at the point in time when they usually do)
I couldn't find a summer job in Potsdam
The semester ended
I moved back to Waverly for the summer
I'm currently working as a bartender at Tomasso's Golf Course
And that basically sums up all of the substantial things I might have mentioned in here (among all of the BS) throughout the last 9 months.
And now you are all up to date...
If you want to get in touch with me this summer, I will be in the front-corner bar stool at the Broad St. Bar and Grill all summer
In other news, I'm bored with this...
Goodbye for now