Well, that was an exciting month! Colin was op expert and I was Colonel. We had to find patient zero as well as a paranoid soldier, who has been telling people that coda (the zombie disease) is manufactured by the military.
We found both, and thus learnt that the soldier was not paranoid, but correct. We found a mole - the soldier (because he had an upgrade, otherwise it would have been ops expert) - and discarded him.
Now we have to destroy instead of build military bases, the military is just going to get in our way.
But best of all, we now have the ability to build a vaccine! And an immunologist on our side.
Finding the two lost people was two of our three needed objectives, we'd cured and eradicated blue early on, and then it was all fire fighting until Colin cured red, two turns before the end of the game. Then we almost gave up as we were almost out of red, satisfied that we'd still had a good game, but we decided to keep trying to clear up red because I only needed one yellow to cure yellow. So, at one red cube left, I drew my yellow card to cure (bearing in mind that curing is instant because of earlier end of game upgrades), and an epidemic card. So if we hadn't won that turn, we would have lost.
So, win, and long term progress and story furthered.