(no subject)

Feb 03, 2010 05:00

Dude, I can't believe my last post was from July...

Well, I'm still here, I've been busy + procrastinating like there's no tomorrow (exactly!), but here is the very late update post. In retrospection:

Daily Deviant artses (all NSFW)-> Gryffindor Party (Hermione/Lavender), Nurse (AS/S), Girls Just Wanna Have Fun (HG/GW/NT), Renda (RL/SS), Sheath (HG/LL), The Whole Box (BW/NL).

Plus Kinky Kristmas art O My King (R, Teddy/James Jr.) for Mindabbles.


Art for Teh Fests -> As a collaboration for the AS/S Through the Ages fest I drew an illustration for the story Between Two Worlds (PG-13), by Nolagal. Here is (a slightly changed version of) the pic.
->For the Hermione Big Bang I drew illustrations for the fics Empty Classrooms (Gen) by Bowles; Story Telling (one sided HG/MM, R) by Kelly Chambliss; and Three's A Crowd (HG/GW/BZ, PG-13) by Aneir. I'd say all my pics are Work Safe.
-> For the Bottom Draco fest I drew Princes(s) (NL/DM, PG). Here is a close-up.
-> For my first participation in HD Holidays I drew Red Wall (H/D, PG-13) for Mizbean.
-> And last but not least, My pic for 2009's Snupin Santa was New York Minute Illustration (RL/SS, R) for Ellid's epic story New York Minute.


Also, I painted a Mer!Remus pic for Spidermoth. All I've to say is sorry Spidermoth. ^^;

And since I'm admitting it all already, I drew a pic for my Snupin Santa gift The Cat's Paw (RL/SS, NC-17) by McKay. Loved my ♥gift♥, drew it immediately, but I'm not sure if I love it so much so I'll just leave it here...

Speaking of gifts, I also got the fic Reflections of Love (H/D, NC-17) by Sassy_Cissa. Feeling envious aren't you? *grin* Well, you can read it too, just clicky the linky!


On another note, THANK YOU, Bookshop! You're a love, now I feel all sparkly and special! *^_^*


Well, if I didn't forget anything, that's it for now.
Hugs to all!

rating: pg, .hp/dm, .rl/ss, .tl/jp, gen, rating: pg13, .as/s, .ll/hg, .hg/gw/bz, .hg/lb, rating: r, rec, .bw/nl, art, hp, rating: g, rating: nc17, hg/gw/nt, .nl/dm

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