Artes (SS/RL e HP/RW)

Apr 04, 2009 10:39

My March Daily Deviation:

Title: The Real Reason Snape's Portrait Wasn't Hung In The Headmaster's Office
Artist: ghot
Media: PS e Corel Painter
Characters: Severus/Remus
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Bad painting effect?
Themes/kinks chosen: Erotic art, drawings, or cartoons.
Artist's notes: No one knew Remus has been immortalized on canvas too.

(fake cut to Daily_Deviant)


My gift art for kath_ballantyne:

Title: Game
Subject: Harry/Ron, Quidditch, monochrome.
Medium: PS
Rating: G

(fake cut to HP_Art_Xchange)

And as exchange I received from kath_ballantyne this super cute (and detailed OMG!) pic, Of books and things. It's SS/RL, side James, and is the cutest thing ever, go view and leave some love. ^___^

PS: *singsong voice* I hate, hate, HATE to study.
PPS: I totally forgot to point to the brush that I used to draw the "Game" pic: it's this nice Stumpy Pencil, I thought others may also find it useful.

.hp/rw, rec, art, .rl/ss, hp, rating: nc17, rating: g

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