(no subject)

Mar 04, 2009 09:28

Who likes Snupin? :D I do, I do!


And I have art:

Title: Rooftop's Floor
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating: R?
A/N: You wanna know why the weird title? You wanna know what's going on? Then you have to read eeyore9990's fic, The Rooftop! Really, if you haven't yet, do so. It's hot as hell, has top!Draco, a promise of a sequel and it's funny all at the same time! Yep. ^____^

It's the first time I'm using Flickr, lets see how it turns out.

And my February Daily_Deviant art was:
Title: Fan
Media: Photoshop
Characters: Oliver Wood
Rating: R
Warnings: Wanking, man bits.
Themes/kinks chosen: Pornography.
Artist's notes: Oliver really loves Quidditch.

.hp/dm, rec, rating: r, art, .rl/ss

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