Wankfest pics (NWS)

Jun 15, 2008 19:27

HP_Wankfest's master list is up -- boo, I didn't get to read everything while it was still anonymous, but now I see I don't know most participants, it's an opportunity to meet new talented people :D -- so now I can post the two pics I'd made.

Title: After Work
Character: Nymphadora Tonks
Location: Knight Bus
Object: crystal ball
Rating: Nc17
Art Details: Media was watercolor, pen and a bit of Corel Painter
("link to the comm")


Title: Filch's Little Secret
Character: Argus Filch
Location: Filch's office
Object: wand
Rating: R
Warnings: Cross-dressing
Art Details: Media was pencil and Corel Painter

("link to the comm")

rating: r, hp, rating: nc17

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