Jan 20, 2010 21:49
i need to start blogging again but i have no fucking idea where to begin. i'm in west hollywood. it's raining. i almost bought my first apple product tonight but i ran away from the iStore again.
yes, i called it the "iStore"
i'll be 24 in 10 days
it's year of the ox. i was born year of the ox.
last year was year of the ox, too. i get 2 year of the ox birhdays. you figure that one out.
my birthday's on a full moon.
i've never bought an iMac an iPhone an iPod an iTune etc. should i? i hate fads. i ran away from the iStore and went to the Nordstrom where it's safe.
Nordstrom is my Tiffany's. Ya know, they serve breakfast but i've never had it.
money may not buy happiness but does it buy time? more time is the only thing i can conceive of that would make me happy.
i guess that's all for now.