Jess liked my other header better, But my brother has a four inch penis so it's all good

Feb 15, 2007 20:14

Hello people

You know whats great drunk posts, they are teh bomb.

Hey this new firefox has a built in spellcheck, that is SO cool.

So yeah I'm drunk and this new spellcheck should help alot, that is if I notice the little red line under my words.

OMG my amigo Jess got me a Gaara keychain, how fucking awesome is that. Yeah i know so awesome.

Anyway how am I drunk since i have spent all my pay, well you see my mother made me give her $100 for my plane ticket home so that left me with only a little bit of cash and i had to buy credit to call my girl which left me with even less, so i says to mum if I'm giving you money you are giving me a bottle of Wild Turkey that you won from playing poker, she has 3 now ( well two cause she actually gave me one ).

Well thats all i have for now, but I'm sure the more drunk i get the more i will have to say.

Later peeps
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