Sep 12, 2005 07:12
I had a feeling Sunday night it's going to be that kind of week. Well now that I'm here at work, I'm afraid to say this might be true. One of the draw backs of this job is the people I work with that do not follow the system and they bypass it leaving me to pick up after them weather it be searching for paper work or looking for a part. Our system is really not that hard for them to do too. I mean really, is signing your name on a piece of paper saying you made the part is that freakin hard??? Well these people I work with think it's a pain having to do deal with it. The other thing is I am having my job split in two which would really help me out but at the same time I am feeling that I failed somewhere somehow as to why they have done this. I know shouldn't but I am afraid that if this would happen and the work load does in fact die down, it leave me to do nothing. I don't want to get stuck doing that again.... However, knowing myself I will get angry and more than likely take it head on then back away and sit worry about it. Only way I could think of taking care of something that I don't like and worries me....
This morning I woke up with a sore left wrist, sore ankle and a sore back. You would think this would go away during the weekend. Not likely... Anyway, I have to head back to work if I am to tackle these problems...