Annoyed by Competitions

Mar 31, 2012 15:44

Originally published at Quantum Matrix Scribe. Please leave any comments there.

So the D.C. Shorts screenplay competition page says the following:

Want to save money on the entry fees?  Enter early to pay the lower fee - then send the materials as late as the material deadline below.

Yet, when you try to do that, there is no option to do so-their submission software, “Withoutabox,” forces you to upload your script immediately, even if its not ready.

It doesn’t seem like there’s an ability to contact them about this either; they just say if you ask them about submission issues they’ll send you a form letter.

Utterly bizarre. Part of it is my fault-I should have been ready earlier-but I was figuring that I could just send in the online application and pay now, then send the script later, thus save about $30. Not so, which makes me think there’s something sleazy about it. I’m sure that’s just my inner paranoid, but still, it bothers me.

Of course I will still submit, though. It’s just I’m going to be paying a bit more.

screenwriting, writing, burpshot

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